Subnautica cheats spawn
Subnautica cheats spawn

subnautica cheats spawn

This command enables or disables (toggles) usage of power for vehicles, tools and Seabases. This command removes all crafting and building costs for the following devices:


Resources will still be required/taken, so often players will use this command with the 'nocost' command (which allows for free use of the Habitat Builder). This command removes the time it takes for modules to be built with the Habitat Builder. This command is similar to the fastgrow command - it removes the time eggs in Alien Containments take to hatch (an egg should take just a few seconds for them to hatch). This command effectively removes the time it takes for plants (flora), meaning they will be fully grown seconds after being planted, regardless of the planter they are placed in. It usually takes approximately 10 seconds. This command vastly reduces the time it takes for the Scanner to scan, making it almost instant. This command vastly reduces the time all WFMs (Water Filtration Machines) take to filter water. This command makes you invisible to all creatures - meaning they will not attack, or even react to you. This means that any creature your character attacks/does damage to will instantly die - and any damage your character takes will result in death. When enabled, any damage given or taken to creatures (and yourself) will result in death. This command enables or disables (toggles) Subnatuica's instagib mode. This command can be used to set your character's damage multiplier - 'damage 2' would 2x (double) all damage your character takes. The entry name is case sensitive and requires exact spelling with no spaces. This command can be used to unlock a specific databank entry - the name is case sensitive. This command will add the resources required to craft the specified item to your inventory. This command also adds the following items to your inventory: The command applies the effects of the following commands: This command spawns a collection of tools: This command spawns a collection of resources: This command gives your Prawn Suit every possible arm: This command instantly provides you with all upgrades/modules for the Prawn Suit. This command instantly provides you with all upgrades/modules for the Seamoth. This command instantly provides you with all upgrades/modules for the Cyclops.

subnautica cheats spawn

This command instantly provides you with all common upgrades/modules for your vehicles. This command will cause all WFMs (Water Filtration Machines) across the game to produce Salt (skipping the usual 7 minute time it takes to produce Salt). This command will cause all WFMs (Water Filtration Machines) across the game to produce Large Filtered Water (skipping the usual 15 minute time it takes to produce Large Filtered Water). This command spawns a submarine next to your character - use 'sub cyclops' to spawn the Cyclops, and 'sub aurora' to spawn the Aurora. To cure your character of the Kharaa infection, use 'playerinfection 5'. This command changes the progression of your character's Kharaa Bacterium infection. This command is the opposite of the cure command - it infects your character and all creatures within the given range (meters) with the Kharaa Bacterium. This command cures your character and creatures within the given range (in meters) of the Kharaa Bacterium. The command spawn seaglide 2 would spawn two seaglides in front of your character. This command spawns the specified item/object/creature in front of your character, relative to the specified amount. This command completely clears your inventory - everything in it will be deleted (forever). This command can be used to spawn items into your inventory, relative to the provided item name and amount. This command prepares the end-game Neptune Escape Rocket - which allows it to be fired without impairing the QEP (Quarantine Enforcement Platform). This command plays the animation in which your character realized that the are infection with the Kharaa bacterium. This command is similar to the precursorgunaim command (in which the Quarantine Enforcement Platform shoots down the Sunbeam), but plays the second half. This command starts the event in which the Quarantine Enforcement Platform shoots down the Sunbeam. This command will start the countdown of the Sunbeam - which is 40 minutes and displayed in the top right of your screen. This command starts the Sunbeam story event, skipping the countdown.

subnautica cheats spawn

This command will restore Aurora to its original form (pre-explosion) - radiation will be present. This command will explode the Aurora's dark matter reactor. This command will start the countdown for Aurora's dark matter reactor/self destruct timer - it will actually explode after the countdown.

Subnautica cheats spawn